1.5 Meeting A Descendant

Author’s Note: Hi again! It has become a habit to write a short note before each chapter. I feel like this story is such a mess. A lot has happened between the screenshots; I’ll do my best to recap what has happened.

So Xenia and Robot From The Future traveled back to the future. Xenia installed the Romance chip to Spark, started her bot business, and got busy romancing Brad (if that’s his name). He’s the guy she met when she first arrived in Oasis Landing. Hope this cleared things up a bit! Without further ado, let’s jump right in to the story!

Lol, our two couples are flirting beside each other.
RFTF knows what’s up.

After working so hard to earn some money, Xenia had a day off. She worked out during daytime and socialized with her old friends after. She suddenly wanted to start to work out. Maybe time-traveling is demanding to a Sim’s body?

In the evening, Xenia bumped into Brad. After chatting for a while Xenia felt her old crush on him suddenly remind her of itself. The two flirted the night away. In the end, Xenia confessed her attraction to him. They just can’t keep their hands off each other!

Emit Relevart must have seen it all. That night, he came to Xenia’s bedroom and looked at her sleeping face for a long while. Then he dozed off right beside her. Say what you want, Emit, but I think you’re being a bit too obvious!

Roboscholar X-90, Xenia’s newest creation.

Xenia tackled the promotions. Her Plumbots are always of the best quality and she sells them for quite the high price each. She had now earned over 20,000 Simoleons so she decided it was time to get her own place in Oasis Landing!

Her new pad still looks quite humble. We ran out of money while building… But Xenia got the basics on her home lot. With time, this house will be filled with Plumbots and renovated to suit the great Plumbot Master!

While Xenia was sleeping, RFTF decided to help her out and catch some nanites for her.
She seems to love these little guys!

After long days of work in the Plumbot Market, Xenia asked Brad on their first date. But she got stood up. “Something came up, I’m sorry! Maybe we can catch up another time”, said the text from Brad.

It wasn’t all that bad though. Xenia saw an oddly familiar-looking man in the park. She chatted with him and it appeared he is her descendant! The two shared a heartfelt family reunion. Xenia’s actions in the past made her family in the future poor. The man was a bit disgruntled when Xenia joked about their income… Don’t you worry descendants, soon enough we will all be rich!

I had been neglecting RFTF lately so I took her to the park as well. There, she met a fellow female Plumbot, Vroomba. I think it’d be cute if the two became best friends!

Vroomba offered to fix up her new friend. It’s bot friend bonding time!

It came time for RFTF to head home to prepare for Xenia’s return. She came Vroomba a big robo-hug. The two had become good friends. I was tearing up a bit. I’m so proud of RFTF. She’s come so far.

I’ll end this chapter with a photo of Xenia’s latest creation that she sold. She’s now bringing in the money. Building bots is time-consuming as you have to go nanite-hunting, break the nanites to get processors, then create the right trait chips and so on. But it’s all rewarding! I think Xenia will be creating a little sister for RFTF.

Until next time – hope you continue to enjoy these posts!

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